Shape the future of
Rib Lake

Rib Lake is poised for growth.
Become part of it.

Revitalize Rib Lake

Support Sustainable Development

Enhance Living Standards

Partner with us to build a better Rib Lake

Take an active role in shaping Rib Lake’s future by sharing your ideas. We have collaborated with residents and leaders to achieve the current Vision Plan. This Vision Plan will continue to evolve through community and investor input. By collaborating, we ensure that community needs and investment align for success.

Goals For a Vision Forward

  • Encourage incremental activation and beautification of Downtown Rib Lake - Clean up storefronts, provide art/murals, create temporary green space, etc.

  • Activate Downtown - Fill or demo vacant buildings. Recruit new businesses and services. 

  • Promote access and inclusion around Rib Lake.

  • Leverage the identity of Rib Lake through new programming, projects, and business recruitment. 

  • Emphasize Rib Lake’s branding of it’s natural resources and identity in nature.

  • Create partnerships and be active in grant funding to help get projects and initiatives off the ground.

Invest in a Community with Vision

Through this Vision Plan find a roadmap for future growth. Growth would create jobs, provide housing and use our natural resources to draw in more visitors. Discover new business locations and housing opportunities for McComb Avenue in the plan. Currently, the Rib Lake community is underserved in many services and needs more housing.

Plus, this Vision Plan focuses on enhancing outdoor recreation experiences. By creating better connections between main street and green spaces, we will encourage people to spend more time enjoying Rib Lake. Another focus is to better leverage the lake as tourist attraction. Improving Rib Lake amenities, will make Rib Lake a more appealing community for both investors and residents. Successful investment in Rib Lake will not only revitalize the economy but also improve residents quality of life.

Step 1: Connect with us

Share your business vision with our committee to learn if you are a small town fit.

Step 2: Explore your options

We’ll work together to find the right solution for your business.

Step 3: Watch your business grow

Receive the support you need to make your entrepreneurial dreams a reality.

Learn about small town business support